Swimming Goggles Review 

My family and I live in Florida where as you know is almost always hot. We own a pool and use it a lot. My son and husband love to dive for objects, but hate opening their eyes because they burn from all the chlorine. They use goggles most of the time, but we have a hard time finding a pair that is comfortable and durable. Most of the time they leak or break within the first few times wearing them, or they are uncomfortable from the beginning. They usually don’t last long. If they do, they end up getting so dirty from sitting outside that I have to throw them away. 

I purchased these goggles in hopes that my son and husband would like them.  They both love them! They are by far the best sun blocking goggles we have ever had. It’s comforting to know that while my son has these on his eyes are protected from UV rays from the sun. Even with how great they protect the sun, you can see clearly through them and it’s not dark like sunglasses make it. They fit both my son and husband, whom are two very different sizes. Best yet, they fit comfortably! They are soft on the skin, and create a good suction as to not let any water in. Even when my son jumps in the water they stay on and don’t let water in. Lastly, they come in a great case so when we are done using them they stay clean and safe from being broken by one of my kids. I have two happy boys in the water and that makes me happy! My only problem now is, we only have one pair and they fight over who gets them first! 

Link to product: https://www.amazon.com/Loopezi-Swim-Goggles-Protection-Protective/dp/B019PJMZQS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477588087&sr=8-1&keywords=loopezi+swim+goggles

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted rate in return for my honest opinion. 

Girls Hair Accessories Review

I am the mother of a 5 year old boy and a now 7 month old girl. I was so excited when I found out I was having a girl! I love my son, but let’s face it, girls are more fun for moms when it come to clothes and hair. My daughter doesn’t have much hair yet, but couldn’t pass up these cute hair accessories. 40 pieces for such a great price! The hair accessories are of a good quality and variety. I love the colors and cute styles. We will be able to enjoy these hair pieces for many years to come! Even I can use the hair ties. I would highly recommend these hair accessories for anyone with daughters or nieces. It would make a great gift for any young girl! 

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted rate in return for my honest opinion.

Link to product: https://www.amazon.com/HAIR-ACCESSORIES-GIRLS-Headbands-Barrettes/dp/B01I1P3WU0/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1476633572&sr=1-1&keywords=40+piece+girls+hair

Skin & Coat Tablets Review


     Ever since my husband and I moved to Florida with our now 11 year old dog, she has had skin irritations and allergies.  Her feet and legs get so irritated that she bites at them to relieve the itch. Sometimes it gets so bad that she makes herself bleed and completely removes the hair in some areas.  We have tried so many different things to try and solve her problem. Such as, gluten free diet, fish oil pills, oatmeal baths, mild hypoallergenic soaps, less frequent bathing and so on.  Some of these ways have helped her a bit, but she still has problems. I purchased these tablets in another effort to alleviate her skin irritations. So far so good! I toss one in her food in the morning and at night and she eats them with no problem.  She has been taking them for almost two weeks now and she is biting at her feet less and less, some days I don’t notice it at all! I’m so happy that she is more comfortable and able to enjoy her life and not be so consumed with biting. I hope her symptoms continue to improve! I would recommend these tablets to pet owners who’s pets also have skin issues.

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted rate in return for my honest opinion. 

Link to product: https://www.amazon.com/Chewable-Vitamins-Minerals-Supplements-Thunderpaws/dp/B00Y41EDE0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476062896&sr=8-1&keywords=thunder+paws+skin+and+coat

Agile Pet Review 

I purchased these chewable tablets for my 11 year old American bull dog who is starting to get arthritis in her hind legs.  They are about the size of a fat nickel so they were easy for my 65 pound dog to eat. She’s a very picky eater and wasn’t thrilled with the taste, but I toss one in her food twice a day and she eats it great then. She has been eating them for a little over a week now and I can already see her improving. She has a pretty bad limp in her rear left leg and every day it’s getting less noticeable! I’m so happy that she’s walking better and I’m sure she is too! I would highly recommend this hip and joint supplement for dog owners who’s dog also suffers from any hip or joint ailment.

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted rate in return for my honest opinion.
Link to product: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015WK9EYU/ref=cfb_at_prodpg